Welcome to Pixel Swarm, a game made by Pruper! You start in an empty map... do whatever you want! More features will come soon. To get some stuff to use, break tiles. Some tiles are solid and you'll need to destroy them to walk through. Water spreads into air... careful not to flood everything! Here are the controls: Main controls - W, A, S, and D to move around (can also use the arrow keys) - Right click (or hold) to place a tile / use an item - Left click (or hold) to destroy a tile - Space to drop a single item, Shift + Space to drop all of what you're holding Other controls - N to give a loot crate with some fun stuff to play with :) - F2 to take a screenshot - F11 to toggle fullscreen (can be buggy sometimes) - H to toggle footer display (useful if it's sticking on the game display) Debug controls (for developer) - B to show entity hitboxes and tile collision checking